Tag: Malaysia

Mossy Forest Cameron Highlands Sunlight featured image

Up in the Clouds at the Mossy Forest, Cameron Highlands

‘Don’t step on the moss’ is Ahmed’s only advice as we slip and slide up a steep, muddy bank, away from the road that runs from the base to the summit of Gunung Brinchang Mountain and towards the 200,000 year old Mossy Forest. Avoiding stepping on the spongey, khaki-coloured floor of the mossy forest is…
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boh tea plantation cameron highlands workers in field

Cameron Highlands Boh Tea Plantation

Ahmed only stops talking to take a breath and he seems to breathe considerably less than I thought was normal. Driving in the same erratic, I’m a cat, I’ve got nine lives style I had become accustomed to in South East Asia he drives us up winding mountain roads to the Boh Tea Plantation in…
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My Best Travel of 2015 and Big Plans for 2016

2015 happened and like every year before it I look back on it now and see only a blur. All of the joy and excitement and pleasure of one of the best years of my life (so far) has dissipated into the ether. It’s over and the only proof I’ve got that it happened at…
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A Day in the Life Of World & She: A Travel Day in Malaysia

For my first attempt at a ‘Day in the Life of’ blog post I chose a day spent travelling between one place and another, Pangkor Island and Taiping City in Malaysia. If I had written this the day before there would have been very little to report as I spent so many hours reading a…
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Three Weeks in Malaysia Route Map

Three Weeks in Malaysia Route Map: September 2015

Here is a route map for my three week trip to Malaysia in September 2015. I need to be clear that this route map by no means represents a complete tour of Malaysia. My time in Malaysia in September was chaotic, spontaneous and fuelled by copious amounts of beer and satay. We decided where to…
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Taman Negara River Sunset FEATURE IMAGE

On Turning Thirty in the Oldest Rainforest in the World

It’s early, maybe 9am so it’s not too hot yet and there’s a nice breeze coming down from the ceiling fan in the terracotta-tiled café where I’m eating a breakfast of noodles and Muslim-friendly beef bacon. I’m in Taman Negara in Malaysia, the world’s oldest rainforest and yesterday I turned thirty years old.   I…
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Trip Number Three: My A/W 2015 Travel Plans

I sound so sure of myself with that title, don’t I? My A/W 2015 travel plans. It sound just like the glossy fashion mags with their A/W 2015 wardrobe essentials. Already decided upon, organised, solid. In all honestly I’m not totally sure what I’m going to do for the next few months or why. Perhaps the…
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The Blue Mansion of the Seventh Wife

Officially, The Blue Mansion in Penang was owned by Cheong Fatt Tze, one of the most important Chinese businessmen and politicians of the 20th century. Unofficially, and more accurately, The Blue Mansion and all who resided within her walls, belonged to his seventh, and favourite, wife. One of those places that just gets more fascinating…
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